Food Recipes & Ideas

Food Recipes & Ideas

Instant Overnight Oats Recipe

An oxymoron, I know – but let’s cut to the chase: mornings are hectic. Getting a healthy breakfast can be challenging when you’re in a hurry in the morning, whether you’re getting ready for work or school. I’m known to be an instant or quick-cooking oats kind of person, which is a long story from […]

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Thermos lunches for kids
Food Recipes & Ideas

Winter Thermos Lunch Ideas for Kids

As winter weather sets in, kids should stay warm and nourished throughout their school day. One of the best ways to do this is by packing them a thermos filled with delicious and hearty meals that will keep them full and focused until the final bell rings. In this blog post, we’ll share some mouth-watering […]

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A collage of easy spring meal ideas for families
Food Recipes & Ideas

Quick and Simple Spring Meal Ideas

As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, there’s no better time to shake up your family dinner routine with fresh and flavorful spring meal ideas. Say goodbye to stressful evenings in the kitchen and hello to easy, delicious meals that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters. From light salads to hearty pasta […]

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A bowl of a fully loaded potato salad with ranch
Food Recipes & Ideas
Holidays & Seasons

Loaded Potato Salad With A Twist of Ranch Dressing Mix

Are you looking to take your potato salad game up a notch? Look no further than this loaded potato salad with ranch dressing mix! Potato salad is a go-to side dish for large gatherings and parties, but we find that people get more creative with it, as time progresses. This is what inspired this fully […]

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Melty Cheese and Juicy Tomatoes on Toast"
Food Recipes & Ideas

Easy Cheese And Tomato On Toast

Cheese and Tomato on Toast is a classic quick and easy dish that is perfect for a tasty breakfast or a satisfying snack. This simple yet flavorful combination of crispy toast, juicy tomatoes, and melted cheddar cheese will become a favorite in your household. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create […]

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Freshly baked vegan peanut butter cookies
Food Recipes & Ideas

Easy Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

As we near the end of the Lenten season, we still have a surplus of peanut butter in our pantry. To put it to good use, I decided to whip up some delicious vegan peanut butter cookies. While cookies are typically a breeze to bake, adapting a recipe to be vegan requires a bit of […]

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"Fresh Mediterranean couscous bowl with chickpeas, cherry tomatoes, and spring onions, seasoned with cumin, salt, and pepper.
Food Recipes & Ideas

A Basic Mediterranean Couscous Bowl

Couscous has wholly transformed my eating habits and has become a household favorite. I was in the mood for a quick and vegan-friendly lunch when I came up with this Mediterranean couscous bowl. The beauty of a grain bowl lies in its ability to provide all the essential nutrients from every food group, making it […]

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Food Recipes & Ideas

A Creamy Vegan Pasta Delight (with spinach)

I mistakenly whipped up a creamy vegan pasta while trying to prepare a meat- and dairy-free meal. Since my daughter is a big pasta fan, I decided to try it. To my pleasant surprise, she loved it and gave me positive feedback. Her enthusiasm inspired me to share the quick and easy hummus creamed pasta […]

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Food Recipes & Ideas

Quick & Easy Vegan Chocolate Cake: A Simple Delight

This vegan chocolate cake recipe is delightful and proof that baking without dairy or eggs is possible. For some of us, this is a necessity due to allergies or dietary restrictions. Some cultures have been baking without these ingredients for centuries. This particular recipe has been a family favorite for more than 25 years. I […]

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Food Recipes & Ideas

Wholesome Homemade Hummus Without Tahini

Hummus is a popular Middle Eastern dip or spread made primarily from cooked, mashed chickpeas (also known as garbanzo beans) blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and salt. It’s enjoyed as a snack or appetizer and is often served with pita bread or vegetables for dipping. The game changer for me was to […]

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