Day: 22 April 2024

White bin dip with seasoned pita chips
Holidays & Seasons

White bean dip with pita chips – #Vegan #WithoutTahini

Planning a menu when you have meat-eating guests over can be tricky.  On the one hand, you do want to provide decent catering and snacks (that do not taste like cardboard😄); on the other hand, you don’t want to jeopardize your own journey towards a plant-based lifestyle (or your Lenten Fast, whichever applies to your […]

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Freshly baked vegan peanut butter cookies
Food Recipes & Ideas

Easy Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies

As we near the end of the Lenten season, we still have a surplus of peanut butter in our pantry. To put it to good use, I decided to whip up some delicious vegan peanut butter cookies. While cookies are typically a breeze to bake, adapting a recipe to be vegan requires a bit of […]

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