Easy And Quick Breakfast Ideas for Kids and Adults

Breakfast quesedillas with scrambled eggs
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Start your day with these easy and quick breakfast ideas that will please kids and adults alike! Whether rushing out the door or taking a leisurely morning, these recipes satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. From fluffy pancakes to creamy smoothie bowls, we’ve got you covered with easy-to-make options that will have everyone asking for seconds. These ideas are neither here nor there, both kids and adults can enjoy them.

Say goodbye to boring breakfasts and hello to a tasty start to your day!

Quick & Easy Morning Breakfast Ideas for Kids & Adults

Easy And Quick Breakfast Ideas for Kids

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this is also true for growing kids. g run. However, we all know how hectic mornings can be, making it challenging to come up with quick yet nutritious breakfast ideas for kids. To ease your morning routine, here are some simple and wholesome breakfast ideas that your kids will enjoy.


Overnight Oats

Overnight oats in jars
Overnight oats are an easy and delicious option for busy mornings. Mix together rolled oats, milk, yogurt, and any desired toppings like fruits or nuts in a jar or container before going to bed. In the morning, your child can enjoy a creamy and nutritious oatmeal without any cooking involved.


======>I have a quicker version of overnight oats.

Avocado Toast

avocado toast with egg on top

Avocado toast has become increasingly popular among adults due to its health benefits and simplicity. But did you know that kids can also fall in love with this trendy breakfast? Toast whole-grain bread slices and spread mashed avocado on top. You can also add some scrambled eggs or cheese for added protein.

French Toast

french toast

My children have never said “no”to French toast, even now in their older years. I made this particular one with heavy cream (and even sugar), instead of the savory milk variety. I’d characterize it as “sweet and savory”. It was delicious.

Cheese & Tomato On Toast

This is my “go to”when I crave pizza, and a good way to hide those veggies from the little ones. Find the cheese and tomato on toast recipe here.

Smoothie Bowls

Smoothie bowls are not only visually appealing but also packed with nutrients that kids need to start their day off right. Blend together frozen fruits like berries or bananas with milk or yogurt until smooth. Pour into a bowl and top with granola, nuts, seeds, or fresh fruit for added texture and flavor.

Breakfast Quesadillas

Breakfast quesedillas with scrambled eggs

Quesadillas make a perfect savory breakfast option that kids will love! Fill flour tortillas with scrambled eggs, cheese, vegetables such as spinach or bell peppers, then fold over and cook on both sides until crispy.

Get Creative With Pancakes

easy and quick breakfast ideas - oatmeal pancakes

Pancakes may seem time-consuming to make from scratch every morning but try experimenting with different flavors like banana pancakes or chocolate chip pancakes to make them more interesting. I’ve experimented with oatmeal based panacakes in the past, they are just as yummy! You can also make a big batch on the weekend and freeze them for a quick breakfast during the week.


Frittatas are an excellent way to incorporate vegetables into your child’s breakfast. Simply whisk together eggs, milk, cheese, and any desired vegetables like spinach, mushrooms, or tomatoes in a pan then bake until golden brown. These are quite versatile too and work just fine as even lunch or dinner.

Quick and Tasty Breakfast Ideas for Adults

Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast burritos are not only quick to make but also portable if you need to eat on-the-go. Scramble eggs with your choice of vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, spinach or mushrooms. Add shredded cheese and wrap in a whole wheat tortilla. You can also make these ahead of time and freeze them for even quicker preparation.

Breakfast Smoothie

Smoothies are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients making them an ideal breakfast option. Blend together frozen fruit, Greek yogurt, milk (or almond milk), spinach or kale and your choice of protein powder for a quick and nutritious meal on-the-go.

With these quick and tasty breakfast ideas, you no longer have to sacrifice starting your day off right due to lack of time. Planning ahead and utilizing simple ingredients can make all the difference in enjoying a satisfying and healthy breakfast every morning.

Baked French Toast Sticks

French toast is always a crowd-pleaser at the breakfast table, but instead of making traditional slices this time around, try cutting thick slices of bread into sticks before dipping them into the egg mixture. Bake them in the oven until golden brown for an easy grab-and-go option that’s perfect for busy mornings.

Savory Omelette Muffins

Omelettes are another classic breakfast dish that can easily be given an exciting twist by turning them into savory muffins. Beat together eggs and milk, them mix with with diced vegetables, cheese, and any desired protein such as ham or turkey in a bowl. Pour the mixture into greased muffin tins and bake until set. These omelette muffins are not only cute and portable but also customizable to suit different taste preferences.

Grab any of these easy and quick breakfast ideas and have fun with your kids.

Happy cooking!